Priama akcia showed support to the women from Belchatow hospital

On Thursday 5
th June union Priama akcia organized a protest in front of Polish embassy in Bratislava. The ambassador was not present but a letter showing support to the demands of the former workers from the Belchatow hospital was given to the advisor of the ambassador. The advisor listened to the reasons of the protest, expressed understanding in the context of insecure jobs of everyone these days, promised to give the letter to the ambassador and inform the responsible authorities in Poland. We would like to thank all those who participated in the action. The women can be supported by sending a model protest email via e-form here
Unfortunately, the photos from the action didn’t turn out as we expected. The signs on the pickets were:
Wzajemna pomoc nie zna granic!
(Mutual aid knows no borders!)
Trzymamy kciuki za WALCZĄCE KOBIETY ze szpitala w Bełchatowie
(We keep our fingers crossed to the fighting women from the hospital in Belchatow)
Związek Priama akcia - Bratislava IWA Słowacja JEST Z WAMI!
(Union Priama akcia – Bratislava IWA Slovakia IS WITH YOU!)
STOP outsourcing in Belchatow!
Priama akcia