More than a Union - 85 years of self-organising, supporting strikes and defence against employers and politics
Priama akcia – Slovak section of International Workers Association is going to organise a speech tour of IWA International secretary Ratibor Trivunac concerning the 85th IWA anniversary. Together with the speeches we will organise also an exhibition dedicated to history and activities of Sections and Friends of IWA. We would like to invite all comrades.
29. 2. (Friday) – OTROKOVICE (Czech) - 19.00, place to be confirmed by e-mail
1.3. (Saturday) – BRATISLAVA (Slovakia) - 16.00, A4-Nultý priestor, Námestie SNP 3
2.3. (Sunday) – TRNAVA (Slovakia) - 15:00, Centrum voľného času Kalokagatia, Strelecká 1
3.3. (Monday) – BANSKÁ BYSTRICA (Slovakia) - 18:00, Spolok architektov Slovenska, Námestie SNP 7
4.3. (Tuesday) – KOŠICE (Slovakia) - 17:30, Hlavná 68, Zasadačka v budove Správy majetku
5.3. (Wednesday) – ŽILINA (Slovakia) - 17.30, Makovického dom, Horný val 20
On 6th March probably at 19.00 (or 20.00) there will be also a special online radio broadcast (Radio Priama akcia) with the secretary as our guest. To hear us, download (win) or (mac, linux). Then click "add location" a write in the window. You can communicate with us live through ICQ – 395740449 or use email radio(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk. For exact time of broadcast or any other questions write us at radio(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk.
Speeches and the radio as well will be in English.
For any other info, write to intersec(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk
To see poster for the anniversary tour and PA stickers visit:
Priama akcia
IWA/AIT Slovakia