Situation in Slovakia and activities of Priama akcia (IWA/AIT Slovakia) in 2005-2006

8. januára 2007

Situation in Slovakia and activities of Priama akcia (IWA/AIT Slovakia) in 2005-2006


Political situation
Slovakia was formed in 1993. In the period of 1994-1998 there was a ruling coalition of nationalist, leftist and centrist parties which tried to build strong national state, which means to privatize as much economic property as possible and concentrate it in hands of Slovak capitalists connected to the ruling coalition. This tendency naturally leads to international isolation.
In 1998 parliamentary elections right-wing wins and the same in 2002. First, many people had big hopes in new right-wing coalition but soon their hopes disappeared because there was no evident progress in social sphere. However, Slovakia was praised for its economic progress and in fact became a forefront of European neoliberal experiment.
In 2006 parliamentary elections in which the social democrats SMER won the participation was around 52 %. Before the elections they made a pact with major union confederation KOZ. Social democrats formed new ruling coalition with nationalists and centrist-right party (both part of the 1994-1998 ruling coalition).

Social and economic aspects
As for social situation, after 17 years of structural changes social situation changed minimally and for many people not for better. If you look at the unemployment rate, it was over 19 % in 1998 and now it´s around 14 or 16 % (depends on the method of counting). Real wages are still lower than in 1989. Present average wage is around 480 Euro which is just statistics that doesn´t take into consideration growing gap between worker and management wages and different industrial sectors. For many workers the official average wage was and still is just a dream that they are able to reach only by overtimes, nightshifts or weekend work. Usual wage in many sectors is very close to the minimum wage, in many cases not more than 250 Euro, usually in sectors traditionally employed by women.
Combined with social cuts, these factors have led to massive disillusionment and disappointment from the capitalist reality of democracy and election system.
New social democratic government is trying to build an image of social feeling with the people and establish several pro-social appearing changes that obviously attract people’s attention. Now the social democrats have even bigger support among population than before the elections. Also, Slovakia is seen in good light by the capital. For example, the currency is breaking all the historical records now. Effects of these situation do not seem to be very good for the future of the workers resistance initiatives in Slovakia.

Workers resistance and union movement
Response of the working class to social experiments has been almost none till now. Membership of trade unions in Slovakia fell from some 2 millions in 1989 to half a million in 2004 (which is 24 % of working population according to unions). People lose faith because unions are totally inactive in bipartite (workplace) and the "successes" in triparite (national level) are very little. Also, union officials agree that they are not able to attract young workers to join which is nothing unusual.
The union credo is straight - social partnership by any means necessary. This was the culture of union work since the beginning and this culture directly led people not only to leaving unions but also to complete distrust in any union activity.
There are various reasons for this fatal approach of unions. Bureaucracy, making carrier in the unions, submissive culture, no real solidarity among different unions, promises instead of direct actions, appeasing of all potential areas of social conflicts and strikes in workplaces, benefits from high union positions, culture of partnership and necessity of good image in front of tripartite partners, no experience with and fear of direct actions, acceptance of the necessity to restructure the economy for future better conditions even if it means lower wages or unemployment and currently also a pact with social democrats.
As mentioned before, unions in Slovakia do not use direct actions to fulfil their demands. There have been only 4 nationwide union strikes from 1993 to 2006. It was four-day railway workers strike, one-day teachers strike and quite ridiculous one-hour general strike, all in 2003, and in 2006 strike in health sector.
As for individual workplace strikes, the media report them rather rarely but we can estimate that the number of strikes is higher. However, there is no workers network to inform about these strikes, about their development and about how they end. Usual workers protest are in form of happenings of several tens of workers, mainly union officials in front of government buildings or demonstrations with several hundred or thousand of unionists. Traditionally, the biggest union federation Confederation of trade unions (KOZ) organises central a 1st May demonstration in some Middle Slovakia town with not more than 2000 unionists.

Background of anti-authoritarian and anarchist situation in Slovakia
As for anti-authoritarian movement, it is important to mention the history and development a bit. To be clear about the situation situation it is important to speak of “scene” instead of “movement” because this is more precise term for our situation. First of all, what is important to tell is that there was no organised (and in fact even unorganised) anti-authoritarian movement until the end of 90´s. Anarchist organisations have been formed in a situation of no historical tradition of anarchism in Slovakia (not even in the era of common Czechoslovakia) which puts us in a completely different cultural and social situation compared to other European anarchist movements.
First signs of anti-authoritarian ideas could be seen in a DIY punk scene in the beginning of 90´s. Thanks to existence of Czechoslovakia, good relationships between people from both countries and free border politics there is growing impact of more organised, openly political and also anarchist Czech movement.
In mid-90´s first more or less antiauthoritarian group is formed which is called Slobodná alternatíva (Free alternative). It deals with issues usually typical for punk subculture – animal rights, vegetarianism, antimilitarism, antiracism, ecology and so. However, the group is rather autonomist and subculture oriented and soon becomes not that radical and finishes its existence.
First openly anarchist collective was formed in summer 1999. It was an anarchosyndicalist newspaper collective called Priama akcia (Direct action). Soon after this, in autumn 1999, Slovak regional group of Československá anarchistická federácia (ČSAF - Czechoslovak anarchist federation, an IAF member) is formed and later, in spring 2000, the Priama akcia newspaper collective transformed into organisation called Priama akcia (PA). At 2000 Congress of IWA/AIT Priama akcia became Slovak member section.
As for other attempts that are not openly anarchist but rather anti-authoritarian, in 2002 Antifašistická akcia Bratislava (AAB - Antifascist action Bratislava) is formed that also stands on principles of self-emancipation but because of its militant activities works in conspiracy. In 2005 Antifascist action group is formed also in Trnava (40 km´s from the capital Bratislava). After 1999 there have been several Food not bombs projects in different towns. Till now only Bratislava and Trnava group works regularly.

Anarchist and anti-authoritarian organising in Slovakia and Priama akcia
From the beginnings in 1999 till 2006, there can be seen almost no progress. Working in anarchist organisations led to “burn-out” effect in case of many activists. Most of the anarchists from the first years are no longer organised. Furthermore, most of those few people who are today still interested in anarchism do not feel the need to get organised.
At the moment, Slovak group of ČSAF is defunct, AAB works in an underground manner without any public info about their real actions and Food not bombs collectives work on the basis of preparing meals for the homeless, so they are unfortunately rather a charity than an openly anticapitalist or anarchist projects.
As for Priama akcia, recent years were critically crucial. There were and still continue discussions about the future of the organisation, its effectiveness and activities. In late 2004 we started a process of reconstruction of Priama akcia. Now the situation is much more better and Priama akcia is now the only living socially active anarchist force in Slovakia with continual activities. We have three regional groups – Bratislava, West and East.

We have engaged in one way or another in most of the generally known working class actions and struggles in recent years. To mention some of them: four-day railway workers strike, teachers protests, union demonstrations, students protests, doctors protests or struggle of SCP/Mondi Business workers (which was the first major workplace dispute where workers refused politics of major union confederation and organised their own union; however after few months and close relationships with Slovak and Austrian Christian union officials they joined Christian union confederation NKOS).
In 2005 we started our ecology campaign against skiers resort in Eastern Slovakia. In 2006 we organised campaign around parliamentary elections with some 25 actions during 50 days. From 2005 we have questioned attempts to pass new anti-extremist law aimed at neo-Nazis but elaborated in a way that may lead to future criminalization of any self-defence direct action social activities. In summer 2006 we engaged in solidarity activities for CNT-E strike against Mercadona. In September 2006 we managed to bring to mass media a neo-Nazi attack in one Eastern Slovakia town that was attempted to be hidden by regional authorities and supported the victims. In August 2006 we have started our monthly online radio program on a students radio channel. The rest of our activities can be found in the summary in next pages.
Still, we are very few and from the beginning we face lack of resources. We continue in our activities only thanks to support from outside Slovakia and in particular from IWA (not only financial support).

Anti-authoritarian projects in Slovakia and ways to support them

Breakpoint Press (NBZ) (cooperating group of PA)
It is a publishing house focused on written materials like pamphlets and books and recently mostly CDs and DVDs. The point is to translate interesting texts or CD/DVD documentaries to Slovak language and distribute them in Slovakia and Czech. We would welcome any interesting materials and documentaries on social struggles.

Red and Black Distribution (ČČD) (cooperating group of PA)
Distribution of mostly anarchist materials, mainly from Czech and Slovakia.

Radio Priama Akcia (project of PA)
From August 2006 we have started monthly radio program on a student radio in Bratislava. We focus on presentation of social struggles and activities around the world and in fact everything connected to anarchism in our everyday lives.

Collective of Anarchist Tourists (KATT)
Combines leisure, relax, nature and aims to strengthen our relationships and sense of community. From 2005 we did several winter, spring and summer tours in Slovakia. In summer 2006 also a collective in Czech was formed and we hope to spread the idea to other countries as well (we have contacts to Austria and already did tours in Slovakia and Czech together, and also to Slovenia). Everyone is invited to go trekking with us and/or give us tips in his/her country.

Info-@-Shelves (Info-@-Police)
From October 2006 first info shop in Bratislava is opened. It is a place for anti-authoritarian library and distribution of materials. We would welcome anything that one thinks is worth having there and is connected to anarchism and anti-authoritarian ideas. There is also a space available to hold speeches, presentations, film screenings etc. so if you know about some speech tours of anarchists, be sure to let us know! We have a possibility to put our archive of IWA - magazines and info about acitivities of sections of IWA.

Priama akcia, PO Box 16, 840 08 Bratislava 48; e-mail: priamaakcia(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk, web: Nakladateľstvo bod zlomu (NBZ), e-mail: nbz(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk, web:
Červeno-čierna distribúcia (ČČD), e-mail: ccd(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk, web:
Radio priama akcia (RPA), e-mail: radio(at)priamaakcia(dot)sk
Kolektív anarchistických turistov a turistiek (KATT), e-mail: kattkolektiv(at)yahoo(dot)com
Info-@-Police (I@P), e-mail: info(at)infoapolice(dot)sk, web:
Antifascist action Bratislava (AAB), bacityafa(at)yahoo(dot)com
Antifascist action Trnava (AAT), antifa-trnava(at)hushmail(dot)com
Food Not Bombs Bratislava (FNB BA),, web:
Food Not Bombs Trnava (FNB TT), jedlott(at)safe-mail(dot)net
Bieda ducha (anti-authorian magazine), biedaducha(at)safe-mail(dot)net


Summary of Priama akcia activities in 2005

January – Conference of „Papier” trade union
We took part at the Conference of the Papier trade union in company SCP-Mondi Business in mid-Slovak town Ružomberok where we spoke about our view of the conflict the workers were under.

February – speeches of member of Anarchofeminist Group (AFS)
PA-East organises speeches for AFS member in 3 towns.

March-April – benefit cultural action
Benefit reggea/ska party and concert for cultural and ecological activities of PA-East.

April – IV. Congress
By he 4th Congress of PA we celebrate 5 years of our existence and we start new activities.

May – 1st May, antifascism, international solidarity 
We spread several hundred flyers critical to the state of unions in Slovakia at First May demo of biggest union confederation (KOZ) in Banská Bystrica (mid-Slovakia). We supported local antifascist activists demo in Rimavská Sobota (mid-Slovakia) and prepared speech on the given theme. We have sent solidarity e-mails in support of unionists in Eritrea, unpaid workers in Trbovlje in Slovenia and M. Graeber (fired anarchist professor from Yale University).

June – festival Cesta z mesta, Biele kameNIE! campaign, newspaper Podaj ďalej no. 2, website
Speech on anarchism in Slovakia and abroad at festival of alternative culture Cesta z mesta (The Way Out of Town). We start our ecology campaign “Biele kameNIE!” against building of skiers resort in preserved area „Vihorlat” in Eastern part of Slovakia. Benefit ska party for the support ofthe campign. We distribute almost 3 000 flyers and several hundred protest letters in 3 villages in the region where the project is to be realised. We organize infostalls in the streets of 3 towns. We publish 2nd issue of our newspaper Podaj dalej (Pass it along). We launch our web site

July – international solidarity, Biele kameNIE! campaign
We supported the strike of CNT-E Sevilla AUSSA workers – we sent protest faxes and support e-mails and organized an email campaign. Local newspapers published again our reactions to the lies of organisers of the skiers resort project. We spread stickers against the project in 2 nearby towns.

August – international solidarity
Further support of the AUSSA strike.

September – V. Congress, infotable
Another Congress that means new progress and activities. An infotable is put up in the town library in Humenné (East Sovakia).

November – antifascism, Biele kameNIE! campaign
After a neonazi murder of student Daniel Tupý and police harrasment of subculture events (in which many people with antifascist ideas are) we call for mobilization and monitoring of neonazis and neofascists. Local newspapers in the region where the skiers resort is to be build stop publishing of our contributions on the issue.

December – film festival, Biele kameNIE! campaign
PA-East organizes in Bardejov (East Slovkia) first annaul film festival „Nie všetko už bolo povedané - Filmový festival možno aj o tvojich snoch a ich naplnení“ (Not everything has been said already – Film festival perhaps also about your dreams and their fullfilment). Its part is also a speech and discussion on Biele kameNIE! campaign. Local newspaper informs about the event.

Summary of Priama akcia activities in 2006

January – antifascism, struggle of the government against „extremism“, Biele kameNIE! campaign
We made speeches on the issue of fascism in Trenčín (West Slovakia) and Zlín (Bohemia in Czech republic). Different media publish our press release against new steps of government's struggle against so called extremism. We helped with organising small meeting of people who are against the skiers resort project.

February – VI. Congress
Another Congress that further helps to reconstruct PA.

April – antifascism, health workers and doctors strike, (Ne)voliť nestačí campaign
Our member made a speech on fascism on a grammar school in Bratislava. We show solidarity with the strike of doctors and other healtsh sector workers. We spread leaflets at one of the meetings of all the strike commitees in Bratislava. By taking part at a picnic against building a Tesco store in the place where town park is now we started a (Ne)voliť nestačí ([Not]voting is not enough) campaign about parliamnetary elections and the meaning of everyday engagement.

May – (Ne)voliť nestačí campaign, Breakpoint Press
We organised infostall in the street around the elections campaign in Bardejov, Košice, Prešov (Eastern Slovakia) and Bratislava (Western Slovakia). We spread a pamphlet about the campaign. As part of the campaign we organized film festival Nie všetko už bolo povedané in Prešov and Košice (East) and Bratislava and Trnava (West). We also organized a support minitour of political bands in Ružomberok (mid-Slovakia) and Bardejov (East) which is disrupted by the police in both towns. In Bardejov we irganised also a speech on fascism. Another activity connected to the campaign is a a weekend trekking mountain tour in mid/Slovakia mountains made by Collective of anarchist tourists. Breakpoint Press published DVD Anarchism in America.

June – (Ne)voliť nestačí campaign, contact with community activists, Mercadona strike
Campaign about elections continued with infostalls in Trenčín (West), Martin and Vyhne (mid-Slovakia). Film festival continued in Humenné (East) also with a ska party, Ružomberok (mid-Slovakia) and Šala (West). Few days before elections we hang few banners as part of the campaign in frequented streets of Bratislava (West) and Prešov and Košice (East). We also have stickers for the campaign. We close the campaign with a picnic in Bratislava. Thanks to this campaign we were contacted by an activist from Banská Bystrica with a request to share our experience with similar conflicts they are in (they protested destruction of a city park). We support CNT-E strike against Mercadona. We informed about the struggle and possibilities of support on our website and stickers. We organised a financial collection and sent 70 Euro for the strikers.

July – A-camp 2006, Mercadona strike
At the anarchist camp in Austria we presented situation of antiauthoritarian scene in Slovakia. We continued in activities in support of CNT-E, we wrote down practical tips to support, sent protest letters, made stickers, organised action in front of Spanish Embassy in Bratislava.

August – Ecotopia 2006, Mercadona strike, benefit ska party, online radio program
Another presentation about Slovak scene at Ecotopia event in Slovakia. We wrote new info about CNT struggle on our web. Together with Food not bombs collective we organised a benefit ska party in Trnava (West) – food is given to poeple, artistic videos are screened and there took place also a speech of member of Anarchofeminist Group. Part of the money that are collected went to the striking workers of CNT. In mid-August we had a premier broadcast of our radio program - own one hour online program on a students radio that offered us the space themselves, without us asking for it. The theme is Clown army and direct action concept.

September – antifascism, presentation in Vienna, Mercadona strike, VII. Congres
We informed about neonazi attack in Humenné (East) and show concrete solidarity with victims. We hold a speech on situation in Slovakia before a benefit concert for first infoshop in Bratislava that was held in Vienna (social-cultural center EKH). We wrote about last development of CNT strike on our web and sent the strikers another 130 Euro. Also, we held VII. Congress of PA.

October – Radio priama akcia
Another broadcast of Radio priama akcia, this time about history of fascism and concepts of struggle against it.

November – Meeting with Wildcat and KPK, Radio priama akcia
We met with Wildcat collective from Germany and KPK collective from Prague and discussed the new developments of automobile industry and workers situation in Europe and Slovakia (which is to become no. 1 European exporter in the sector). We broadcasted part of the talk as an interview in the Radio priama akcia.

December – Weekend meeting, Municipal elections 2006
Priama akcia – East organises weekend action combining relax and politics. (Not only by) stickers we react to municipal elections in some towns in western adn eastern Slovakia.