On Thursday, 12th September, Priama akcia visited the embassy of the Polish Republic in Bratislava. We presented a protest letter to a deputy of the ambassador, in which we expressed our support to the workers’ protests against the worsening working and social conditions.
New labour laws were passed in Poland in June that, for example, do away with the 8 hour working day. Instead of organizing a general strike, the major trade unions called for four days of protests (from 11th to 14th September), despite the rank-and-file’s support of the general strike.

Our protest was a reaction to the call of our sister organization the ZSP (IWA/AIT Poland). We ourselves know very well the situation, in which the large unions are inactive or act in a way that demoralizes the workers instead of supporting them. We keep our fingers crossed for the ZSP and all the workers who are drawing the attention to the negative changes, and also pushing for the notion of general strike as an answer to the constantly worsening working conditions.
We will publish information about the situation in Poland and activities of the workers on our website.
Priama akcia